Marimurtra commemora el 72è aniversari de la mort del seu creador, Carl Faust

Aquest any també se celebra el 150è aniversari del naixement del fundador i el centenari del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra

Cada 24 d’abril, la Fundació Carl Faust commemora l’aniversari de la mort del creu creador, Carl Faust. Enguany, la Fundació ha organitzat un seguit d’actes per aquest dimecres que recordaran l’esperit d’esforç i passió per la botànica del seu fundador. Aquest 2024, la celebració és per partida triple ja que també se celebra el centenari del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra i el 150è aniversari del naixement de Carl Faust.

Els actes han començat al matí amb una ofrena floral a la tomba de Faust, al cementiri de Blanes, amb l’assistència de diversos membres del patronat de la Fundació Carl Faust i de l’equip del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra. Posteriorment, s’ha dut a terme una ofrena floral a l’estàtua de Carl Faust situada al Passeig de Mar de Blanes en la que també hi han participat l’alcalde de Blanes, Il·lm. Sr. Jordi Hernández, el regidor de Medi Ambient, Parcs i Jardins, Sr. Jaume Frigola, els alumnes de 3r de primària de l’escola Carles Faust de Blanes, amb un mestre i el director del centre escolar, Carles Martín. Els alumnes han obsequiat als diferents membres de l’acte amb un bolígraf personalitzat de l’escola, i la Fundació Carl Faust ha agraït la participació dels estudiants entregant-los un punt de llibre del centenari del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra.

Amb motiu d’aquest acte simbòlic, el patronat recorda “els valors fundacionals del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra i del seu creador, que va projectar un jardí de referència mundial”, i ha afegit que “aquests fonaments poden servir com a model per treballar aspectes actuals com el reaprofitament de l’aigua, l’ecologia i la conservació de la biodiversitat”.

En ocasió d’aquesta jornada dedicada a la memòria de Carl Faust, la Fundació que porta el seu nom ha començat a desvelar alguns dels actes de commemoració del centenari que tindran lloc en el proper any. Entre d’altres, destaca la posada en marxa del Festival Familiar Botànic “Marimurtríssim”, la presentació de diverses exposicions a la Biblioteca Comarcal de Blanes i de diferents sales d’exposicions municipals, la celebració de conferències amb motiu del centenari, presentacions de llibres de l’editorial pròpia de la Fundació “Edicions de Marimurtra” i una edició especial de la Setmana de la Ciència a la recta final de l’any.

Fa cent anys que Carl Faust va crear un jardí botànic als primers penya-segats de la Costa Brava per poder-lo oferir a la ciència i als científics. Va crear un lloc on es poguessin estudiar les plantes i la vida. Cent anys després, la Fundació Carl Faust continua gestionant el Jardí Botànic Marimurtra, mantenint la seva col·lecció botànica i posant-lo a disposició de la recerca, la conservació i la divulgació científica. Tot plegat, afrontant els nous reptes que planteja modernament la gestió de la biodiversitat i el canvi climàtic. En resum, continua realitzant el somni al qual Carl Faust va dedicar el seu patrimoni i la seva vida.

La Fundació Carl Faust va ser mereixedora el 2009 de la Creu de Sant Jordi i el Jardí Botànic Marimurtra està classificat com a Bé Cultural d’Interès Nacional per la Generalitat de Catalunya.


Cronologia de Carl Faust

1874 > Carl Faust neix a Hadamar (Alemanya)
1918 > Comença a comprar terrenys a la muntanya de sant Joan de Blanes -horts i vinyes arrasades per la fil·loxera- amb la idea de convertir-les en el seu somni: un jardí botànic.
1921 > Faust fa construir la casa que és el cor del Jardí Botànic i de la Fundació. Una obra de l’arquitecte noucentista Josep Goday que actualment és el punt de benvinguda dels visitants al Jardí Botànic
1924 > Faust compleix 50 anys i decideix dedicar la resta de la seva vida a completar el seu somni, la creació d’un jardí botànic al servei de la ciència i els científics.
1927 > Carl Faust es trasllada a viure a Blanes, d’on ja no marxarà mai més, excepte pel període de la Guerra Civil.
1936 > La Guerra Civil Espanyola sorprèn a Faust de vacances a Alemanya, i l’impedeix tornar a Blanes fins que finalitza. Acaba de començar la construcció d’un dels elements més icònics de Marimurtra, el templet de Linné, obra de Josep Goday.
1940 > Acaba la construcció del templet de Linné.
1943 > Coneix al científic Ramon Margalef.
1951 > Faust crea la Fundació Carl Faust, amb seu a Blanes, per donar continuïtat a la seva obra.
1952 > Mor a la casa del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra el dia 24 d’abril. És enterrat al cementiri de Blanes.

Marimurtra presenta un estudi d’herbaris de centres d’educació secundària al 1r Congrés de Joves Investigadors en Estudis Locals

El Jardí Botànic Marimurtra presenta al 1r Congrés de Joves Investigadors en Estudis Locals el resum dels herbaris estudiats conservats en centres d‘educació secundària a Catalunya, a càrrec del conservador de l’herbari, Carles Burguera.

Una de les línies de recerca de l’herbari del Jardí Botànic Marimurtra és la restauració, estudi i posada en valor d’antigues col·leccions botàniques. Amb aquest objectiu, l’herbari ha rebut sis col·leccions que ha pogut estudiar detingudament i de les que periòdicament es van publicant els resultats i les troballes interessants en revistes científiques especialitzades.

En la comunicació al Congrés s’exposen detalladament quatre dels herbaris estudiats, sumant un total de 5.000 espècimens recol·lectats entre 1900-1960 arreu de l’estat. Tanmateix, es revalora l’estudi i conservació d’aquestes col·leccions científiques, els plecs d’herbari més rellevant en l’àmbit taxonòmic i la rellevància dels seus recol·lectors.

El Congrés està organitzat per la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, la Coordinadora de Centre d’Estudis de Parla Catalana i l’Institut Ramon Muntaner Organitzen i compta amb dotze àmbits temàtics i una seixantena de comunicacions.

The Jardí Botànic Marimurtra organizes the first edition of the “Marimurtríssim”, a botanical family festival

The family day will take place on Sunday 5 May and will have activities to discover botany in a fun way with workshops and guided tours

“Marimurtríssim” is the first family botanical festival organized by the Carl Faust Foundation at the Marimurtra Botanical Garden in Blanes. This celebration will have a large number of activities that aim to bring botany closer to an audience of all ages, while they enjoy a world of colors, aromas and discoveries.

The festival will take place on Sunday, May 5, from 10 am to 6 pm. Throughout the day, activities can be carried out to explore a green world full of surprises and activities for the whole family. From manipulative workshops or botanical activities, to exciting independent gymnasiums or guided tours.

The day’s program is divided into 3 large blocks.

The Biodiversity Corner, which consists of 3 dynamic and educational workshops focused on improving the biodiversity of our local environment with the construction of an insect hotel (10.30 a.m.), bird nest boxes (11.30 a.m.) and of bird feeders (12.30 p.m.).

The botanical activities that will have the participation of Mònica Dòria, an expert in stamping and natural dyes, who will energize two activities, one on dyeing plants and the other on stamping with natural dyes; and also with the bloggers Montse Verdaguer and Júlia Navarro from who will hold a healthy cooking workshop designed for the little ones to prepare dishes with the most original fruits and vegetables.

The guided tour The Biodiversity of Marimurtra, which focuses on understanding how plants and animals help each other, how some plants help us fight pests and the role that biodiversity plays in the management of a Garden. They will be offered in three different shifts: 10.30 a.m., 12.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.

Throughout the day there will also be stalls with a local gastronomic offer where you can have lunch or a drink, as well as a plant market with local nurseries that will allow you to take home a vivid memory of Marimurtríssimo.

The tickets, which can be bought through the website The entry form includes one child for each adult, the opportunity to participate in 1 of the 6 workshops planned for the day, a guided tour, an independent gymnasium, and a welcome cloth bag with information about the festival.

This festival is part of the actions that the Carl Faust Foundation, manager of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, is organizing this 2024 to celebrate its centenary. One hundred years ago Carl Faust created a botanical garden on the first cliffs of the Costa Brava to be able to offer it to science and scientists. He created a place where plants and life could be studied. In addition, it is also one hundred and fifty years since his birth. So following Faust’s vision, it is a day to celebrate life, science and plants and also to promote all these concepts to future generations: a day designed for the whole family.

INS Serrallarga makes a community service that has improved the state of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden forest

Thanks to this action, invasive plants have been removed and nest boxes have been installed to control invasive pests that live in trees

The students of the INS Serrallarga de Blanes have, for three days, made a community service at the Marimurtra Botanical Garden in Blanes. The aim of this initiative is for ESO students to work as a team, learn about various species of flora and fauna and, at the same time, collaborate in improving the state of conservation of the forest using various techniques.</ p>

To carry it out, the 119 students were divided into groups with the following challenges: cataloging species, extracting invasive plants, arranging paths, communication and biodiversity. In the latter group, the task consisted of building nest boxes and installing them in strategic points in the trees to attract the birds that will control invasive pests.

The Publicity Manager of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden in Blanes, Anna Sans, has highlighted the importance of this type of project “at an educational and pedagogical level which, at the same time, improves the state of conservation of the forests that are owned by the garden “.

The project is subsidized by the Department of Sustainability and Climate Action of the Generalitat, coordinated by Xatrac, with the collaboration of Blanes City Council and the Marimurtra Botanical Garden.

The Marimurtra Botanical Garden in Blanes trains professionals in the world of plants with the Technical days

This Friday, April 12, there will be a training session on organic gardens and their management

The Jardí Botànic Marimurtra de Blanes organizes a set of conceptually linked training sessions aimed at the specialized sector of gardening, botany and the world of plants.

The next day, this Friday, April 12, is about how local intensive agriculture has been adapting its crops and its management towards a sustainable form. With the interest of deepening the management of the diversity of short-cycle crops, the treatments of the main pests as well as the different techniques for maintaining soil fertility.

To complement the day, we will talk about the importance of preserving the cultivation of local garden varieties and how these enrich the biodiversity of the gardens. Finally, there will be a tasting of recipes made with local products from the day’s farmers, prepared by culinary experts Montse Verdaguer and Júlia Navarro from

The training will include presentations by three experts in the field; Jordi Puig Roca, Miquel Riera and Cristina Pozo Vives.

  • Jordi Puig Roca, researcher in agrobiodiversity, specialist in cultivated biodiversity and organic garden producer, will explain the importance of cultivated biodiversity in a context of climate crisis.
  • Miquel Riera, head of the Horta Ecològica Pla de Munt, will offer his experiences of a transition towards organic agriculture.
  • Cristina Pozo Vives, agricultural technical engineer at ADV Santa Susanna and Hortalisses Carbó, will report on different ecological strategies for a more sustainable agriculture.

Attendees will be able to put into practice on the land of Marimurtra all the knowledge acquired during the technical days.

Friday’s session will be the second of the five technical sessions planned for this edition:

  • March 15, How to achieve maximum efficiency of an irrigation system by minimizing water consumption, with Julio César Grandal.
  • April 12, Garden day with Jordi Puig, Miquel Riera and Cristina Pozo.
  • April 26, What is the food web and what role does it play in the garden? with Quim Zaldo.
  • May 10, Management and maintenance of the arboretum and the palmetum of the Botanical Garden of Valencia, with José Plumed.
  • May 31, How can we promote ecosystem regeneration through soil microbiology?, with Quim Zaldo.

The aim of the conference is to offer them expert knowledge, update workers in the sector and make them aware of the importance of biological conservation, a task that is carried out in the Garden following the vision of its founder, Carl Faust.

More information on the technical days and tickets on the website

Jornades Tècniques Marimurtra 2024

The Carl Faust Foundation presents the first issue of El Jardí d’Epicur, the magazine of academic and informative articles of the Jardí Botànic Marimurtra

This is the first online publication of the Foundation’s own publishing house, Edicions de Marimurtra

The Garden of Epicurus offers a deep and reflective look at the results and knowledge generated in this “Epicurean Republic of biologists” (in Carl Faust’s own words) created a century ago. The publication highlights the importance of contemporary science which, apart from enriching botanical knowledge, also has a social impact and improves society in general.

The magazine presents a combination of scientific and informative articles, reflecting the continuous development of the Garden and its adaptation to the new times. With this publication, we seek not only to share knowledge, but also to show that Faust’s garden, as an epicurean garden, remains alive and evolving, just as its founder would have liked.

The publication wants to be seen as another of the productions and creations of gardeners, scientists and science lovers around the Costa Brava Botanical Garden. A tool to transmit scientific reflection, the deepening of botanical knowledge and the dissemination of all this knowledge that arises as another fruit of Marimurtra.

The publication can be consulted for free online at

The Carl Faust Foundation was created in 1951 by the founder of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, Carl Faust, with the aim of continuing his work. Among its founding objectives are “…the protection and promotion of studies in Mediterranean biology, especially in botany, […] seeking cooperation and international relations for the benefit, all in all, of scientific research and dissemination…” .

Consult the magazine

2023 report on the monitoring of birds in the Marimurtra Botanical Garden

The report made by the environmental consultant Pere Alzina i Bilbeny in 2023 on the ornithological monitoring in the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, in Blanes, presents detailed data on the species of birds that inhabit or visit this natural space. With an area of 16 hectares and a location between the Mediterranean Sea, forests and urban areas, the botanical garden is home to a rich variety of birds.

During the four visits carried out throughout the year 2023, a total of 35 species of birds were identified, with a special emphasis on nesting species. Several categories of nesting probability have been recorded, ranging from possible to certain, including species such as the Great-breasted Tern, the Black-breasted Tern and the Heron.

The document highlights the presence of 30 species that show signs of reproduction, among which the blue tern, the tudon and the crayfish stand out. The importance of protecting the environment and the species present is highlighted, with the aim of maintaining biological diversity.

In addition, Pere underlines Marimurtra’s involvement in environmentally sustainable practices, such as the cessation of the use of biocides and chemical fertilizers, and actions to promote ornithological fauna and their habitats.

This report contributes to a better understanding of the dynamics and richness of the ancestral fauna of the Marimurtra Botanical Garden, highlighting its importance as a space for conservation and scientific research in the context of international botanical gardens.

Download here the complete report on bird monitoring in the Marimurtra Botanical Garden 2023 by Pere Alzina.

The Nomad Blackboards Project, Marimurtra’s mobile blackboards

Welcome to “The Nomad Blackboards Project” at the Marimurtra Botanical Garden—an innovative initiative aimed at highlighting specific aspects of the Garden through the lens of science. This scientific outreach project allows for the dissemination of certain species, botanical concepts, notable specimens, or prominent locations within Marimurtra in an educational manner, using a flexible format.

“The Nomad Blackboards Project” consists of placing boards with significant content along the Garden, starting with a few boards and the plan to increase their number over time. We seek to integrate scientific knowledge with the natural beauty that surrounds us, without excessively altering the visual aspect of the Garden, offering a captivating experience for visitors.

The specific objectives of the project are to facilitate scientific education, highlight the importance of biodiversity, foster curiosity, and forge meaningful connections between visitors and the natural world. This initiative uses a flexible system that allows for periodic updates and content renewal, ensuring that the project remains dynamic, fresh, and relevant over time.

Each blackboard features a QR code—an interactive gateway to additional online information. By scanning the QR code, you’ll access supplemental knowledge, deepening your understanding of the scientific marvels and natural beauty that surround you.

Explore our online content to find not only more information but also, in some cases, scientific studies conducted on the highlighted topics. Join us on this scientific exploration as we use blackboards to present valuable information, share research findings, and create connections between the enchanting world of the Botanical Garden and the fascinating realms of science.

This project has been undertaken in collaboration with European volunteers, enriching the educational experience not only for our visitors but also for the volunteers themselves. Their dedication and contribution have played a vital role in bringing this project to life, fostering a vibrant exchange of ideas and perspectives. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to these volunteers, whose involvement has added a layer of depth and diversity to “The Nomad Blackboard Project.”

4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week

Marimurtra attended the 4th Mediterranean Plant Conservation Week in the Botanical Garden of Valencia. It is a congress intended to share and exchange knowledge with other organizations, entities and projects that work on the conservation and increase of the biodiversity of Mediterranean climate plants.

The congress program addressed topics such as the conservation of flora in Mediterranean habitats, the preservation of the seed bank and germplasm of species for future use, the reintegration of species in situ and ex situ, the analysis and actions in relation to invasive species for habitat restoration, the international cooperation network for the conservation of Mediterranean flora and tools for education, dissemination and communication of plant conservation.

Entities from different countries have participated in the congress, such as Cyprus, Malta, Portugal, Italy, Armenia, Lebanon, Serbia, Cape Verde, Greece, among others.

Pere Fraga, botanical conservator of Marimurtra, presented a micro-conference on the conservation of Menorcan flora and a poster on ‘Threatened coastal plant species of Catalonia: improving knowledge and ex situ conservation’ (see the poster here), while Anna Sans , scientific popularizer of Marimurtra, presented a poster on ‘A botanical garden and a wide variety of audiences, a commitment to the public and the promotion of scientific vocations. The case of the school public’ (see the poster here).

The presence of Marimurtra in these congresses is of great importance, as it opens the doors to international cooperation, one of the fundamental objectives of the Carl Faust Foundation, and brings new approaches to the task of conserving the biodiversity of species. In addition, it allows to publicize the conservation, research and dissemination work carried out by the Marimurtra Botanical Garden.

During the congress, a day was held to discuss the different strategies aimed at disseminating scientific research to citizens and making them participate in the conservation of plant biodiversity, as well as focusing on their own values or creating them new in relation to this current.

The Forestry Research and Experimentation Center (CIEF) and the Botanical Garden of the University of Valencia are mainly responsible for the organization of this 4th edition, in close collaboration with some units of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Fund for the Critical Ecosystem Association (CEPF).

The traditional garden varieties

varietats hortícoles marimurtra

Tomato plants, bean plants, artichoke plants, pepper plants, pumpkin plants, cabbages, lettuces, carrots… since humans began to grow plants for consumption, seeds and cuttings were the object of exchange or sale with which the different cultures have been integrating their products into their diet. In this way, nowadays wheat is cultivated, originally from the Middle East; aubergines, from northern India; citrus fruits, from the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia or potatoes, from South America.

With each new planting, the farmer selected the largest and best fruits and the plants most resistant to pests, inclement weather or those most adapted to the types of sun. In this way, year after year there has been a selection of the seeds destined for the plantations for the following season and without realizing it, we have carried out an artificial selection. So, in each area of the territory, people cultivate local varieties of tomatoes, beans or melons, the result of the history of the domestication of vegetables. These traditional varieties stand out for their taste, the great variety of colors or shapes, and sometimes also for the specific uses of some of their fruits.

The extension of agriculture and the use of monocultures break a little with this mosaic of local varieties, where seeds are often bought from large companies that distribute simultaneously to many countries. This uniformity of cultivated species presents a lower adaptability to the territory, and many times it is necessary for the farmer to use chemical products in order to eradicate pests or promote the development of plants. In this way, more and more, many of the varieties of all life are harder to find or, in some cases, end up being lost. The presence of these varieties in the market has also managed to revalue some of these plants, such as Santa Pau beans, crochet beans, Berguedà black peas, bull’s heart tomatoes or Montserrat tomatoes or calabash squash of angel, among many others. We must also think that these vegetables, fruits and vegetables are part of our plant, cultural and historical heritage.

The Jardí Botànic Marimurtra carries out activities and objectives of conservation and dissemination of the flora of the territory, ensuring that a large part of the wild and horticultural flora of Catalonia can be preserved. This year we have sown a wide variety of traditional horticultural species of pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, corn, courgettes, lettuce… coming from the Vallès Oriental Seed Bank, the Les Refardes association or other farmers. You will be able to find many of these specimens in the garden area of the garden or distributed in different places throughout the visit.

See all the horticultural variety files: